Ideal Weight Calculator

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Your ideal weight

Age: 5 years

Based on the Robinson formula, your ideal weight is 39.2 (lbs)
Based on the Miller formula, your ideal weight is 67.9 (lbs)
Based on the Hamwi formula, your ideal weight is 141.5 (lbs)
Based on the Devine formula, your ideal weight is 140.7 (lbs)
Based on the BMIrecommendation formula, your ideal weight is 46.42 to 62.73 (lbs)

The World Health Organization (WHO) Recommended Healthy BMI Range 18.5 - 25 for both man and woman

The Ideal Weight Calculator provides the results of all popular 'ideal weight' formulae.

All the formulae above are for adults, age 18 or older. For children and teens, please refer to the following weight charts published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).